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Success Stories

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Angel & Pete's Story

Angel and Pete moved to Denver from Colorado Springs last summer for Angel to receive treatment at Children's Hospital Colorado. The expenses incurred from her treatments caused them to become homeless.


A Social Worker from the hospital referred them to our Shelter program. Then, at the beginning of September they moved into our Bridge Program. Angel and Pete were grateful to participate in our holiday party last December where they shared the good news that they were into moving into permanent housing at the beginning of 2024.


This would not have been possible without the dedication of their case managers. Today, Angel and Pete are thriving and enjoying their new home

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Richard's Story

Richard was a single dad facing the daunting task of caring for his two small children while also trying to secure stable housing. With limited resources and nowhere to turn, he came to Family Promise seeking shelter and support.


The staff enrolled him in our Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program which provided him with financial support while searching for housing. During this time he also entered our Bridge Program which offers temporary shelter while searching for permanent housing which only took a few months of searching.


After securing permanent housing, Family Promise continued to support him with ongoing case management including financial assistance and utility assistance improving his financial stability for the future.


Today, Richard is thriving. He is grateful for the support he received from Family Promise and credits the program with helping him to achieve stability for himself and his children.

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Sharyce's Story

Sharyce is a single mother of eleven children. Before she reached out to us for help, she felt panicked. She had been struggling and entered our Shelter program in June of 2023. We were able to provide her with resources such as childcare, school enrollment for her two teenagers, transportation, meals, school supplies, and holiday gifts.


Family Promise helped Sharyce land a new job and she recently entered our two-year Tenant Based Rental Assistance program (TBRA). Through this program, Sharyce will continue receiving rental assistance, case management, and budgeting support. Sharyce appreciates Family Promise of Greater Denver particularly, as many other agencies do not offer the same services that we are able to offer. We want to continue offering these services to our families, but we need your help!

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Justice's Story

Justice is currently facing hardship. Recently, she came into our Shelter program after being evicted from her home due to the loss of income from her job. With help from Family Promise, she has been interviewing for a new job and she is getting her girls enrolled in preschool. She likes being in rotation with all our churches because the volunteers have been very nice and outgoing. We have applied for a DHA voucher to get her housing and she will be moving into our Bridge program while she looks for a new unit. Justice is grateful to Family Promise for getting her back on her feet.

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