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Workforce development. Partners in Housing. Financial capability. Health and wellness. Homelessness has many causes and housing stability involves many solutions.  We've developed and implemented  different programs throughout the years to address different aspects of stabilization. We pride ourselves on listening to the needs of our clients and responding to that need.

Our goal is not just getting families into housing; it is keeping them in housing.

The key to this is identifying  the needs specific to our local community and tapping into the diverse resources our volunteer pool and partnerships provide. The result is families no longer at risk of homelessness.

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Helping the families we serve succeed today and remain stable in their housing, financial capability and career paths tomorrow. If you need this service, click the get help button.



Families often benefit from ongoing support once they obtain stable housing in order to reach sustainable independence. Stabilization includes ongoing case management, Tenant Base Rental Assistance (TBRA), Families in Arapahoe Seeking Housing (FASH), HOME program, and the opportunity to join our GAB support group.

Please note: Our Home program is only for families who have recently transferred out of the Family Promise of Greater Denver shelter program and are moving into their new homes.

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  • 8-10 families receive rent and utility assistance for up to two years through a partnership with Arapahoe County.

  • The goal: transition families into permanent housing they can maintain on their own.

  • Families are supported by a Family Advocate as they obtain sustainable independence

  • Ongoing support includes case management, limited financial assistance, access to classes, events, and support services.

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  • Includes families who have exited FPGD shelter program

  • Ongoing case management

  • Assistance with physical donations through our donation closets like diapers, wipes, hygiene products, winter items, and more

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Guest Advisory Board (GAB)

  • The guest advisory board is made up of past clients who have exited our shelter program

  • Members advocate for families in our programs, host events, and act as a support group for one another

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